KPI Suite will be released in HTML-version

HTML-version of the platform KPI Suite has been successfully tests by our partners.

Official release date: 02.03.2015.

If your company is already uses KPi Suite:

  • All your data will be available for use in html-format without any modifications.
  • You can begin to develop information portals for intelligence gathering in the field, as all staff working out of the office will be able to transfer data using tablets and smartphones.

Information dashboards (Dashboard)

Information dashboards serve to display the most important consolidated information (indicators, text and graphical information) on one screen in a clear graphical view, that significantly reduces time spent on management decision-making. Read more

The new version of the KPI Suite system was released

The new version of the KPI Suite system was released, which included the basic elements of constructing KPI models:

  • KPI structure of any kind
  • Mathematical tool that allowed random KPI calculations and data consolidation
  • Any kind of graphical presentation of the KPI data in a web browser
  • Subsystem of data integration with any database and table files